Erano le sette del mattino quando
Alessandro aprì gli occhi. La sveglia lo aveva riportato, come ogni
mattina, alla realtà della vita. Come ogni giorno si rigirava nel
letto cercando di ricordare che giorno fosse, cosa avrebbe dovuto
fare quel giorno. Si domandava ormai da anni se quello sarebbe stato
il giorno in cui gli sarebbe successo qualcosa di interessante.
Nel turbinio di quei pensieri un po'
confusi dal sonno, si alzò e dopo una tazzina di caffè bevuta al
volo si vestì e corse a prendere il treno che lo avrebbe portato
all' università.
Arrivò nella stazione della cittadina
di montagna dove viveva , coperto fino al naso dalla sciarpa. Sebbene
fosse ormai aprile inoltrato il freddo dell inverno non accennava a
diminuire e la gente era ancora avvolta nei caldi indumenti di lana.
La stazione era come al solito deserta, le uniche persone che
Alessandro aveva l'occasione di scorgere erano un anziano e accanito
fumatore, e un uomo egiziano. “Bella compagnia” pensò. Lui con
il suo metro e novanta , i capelli bionddissimi e la carnagione del
colore del latte , di certo spiccava in quel gruppetto di
infreddoliti passeggeri.
Il treno arrivò con puntualità e
appena fermo Alessandro salì, grato per il riparo che quel treno, un
po' sporco e malridotto, gli offriva dal freddo pungente. Le fermate
del teno si susseguivano una dopo l'altra e Alessandro, col l' I-pod
nelle orecchie si ascoltava le stesse canzoni per la decima volta.
Erano quasi arrivati a Vicenza, la città dove aveva sede
l'università, quando tutto ad un tratto vide al capo opposto della
carrozza una ragazza. Incuriosito dal vederla su quel treno
Alessandro non capiva da dove fosse sbucata quella ragazza, dal
momento che non l'aveva vista salire in nessuna delle stazioni
precedenti. Pareva appena uscita da una pubblicità, i capelli biondi
le scendevano drittissimi intorno al viso che nella luce al neon che
illuminava il treno sembrava bianco come la luce della luna. Vestita
impeccabilmente di un azzurro ghiaccio aveva accanto a se una borsa
di pelle marrone che la ragazza non perdeva d'occhio un attimo.
It was seven o'clock when Alexander opened his eyes. The alarm had brought him back, as every morning, to the real life. Like every day he tossed and turned in bed trying to remember what day it was, what he should do that day. He wondered for years if that was the day that something interesting would happen.
In the whirlwind of thoughts a bit 'confused by sleep, got up and after a cup of coffee drunk in the flight got dressed and ran to catch the train that would take him to' university
He arrived at the station in this mountain town where he lived with the face covered by a scarf. Although it was now late April the cold of winter does not abate and people were still wrapped in warm woolen clothes. The station was desert as usual, the only people that Alexander had a chance to see was a old heavy smoker, and an Egyptian man. "Good Company" he thought. Him with his 6, 3 foots hight, light blond hair and milk colored skin, certainly stood out in that little group of shivering passengers.
The train arrived on time and just stopped Alexander went, grateful for the shelter that train, a little 'dirty and bedraggled, offered him from the bitter cold. The tenor of stops followed each other one after the other, and Alexander, with the 'I-pod in his ears listened to the same songs for the tenth time. They were almost there in Vicenza, the city where the university was located, when all of a sudden he saw at the opposite end of the coach a girl. Intrigued by Alessandro see her on that train did not understand where it popped up that girl, since he had seen no rise in any of the previous stations. It seemed straight out of an advertisement, the dead straight blonde hair cascaded around her face and in the neon light that illuminated the train seemed as white as the light of the moon. Dressed impeccably in a blue ice next to him had a brown leather bag that she kept an eye for a moment.
In the whirlwind of thoughts a bit 'confused by sleep, got up and after a cup of coffee drunk in the flight got dressed and ran to catch the train that would take him to' university
He arrived at the station in this mountain town where he lived with the face covered by a scarf. Although it was now late April the cold of winter does not abate and people were still wrapped in warm woolen clothes. The station was desert as usual, the only people that Alexander had a chance to see was a old heavy smoker, and an Egyptian man. "Good Company" he thought. Him with his 6, 3 foots hight, light blond hair and milk colored skin, certainly stood out in that little group of shivering passengers.
The train arrived on time and just stopped Alexander went, grateful for the shelter that train, a little 'dirty and bedraggled, offered him from the bitter cold. The tenor of stops followed each other one after the other, and Alexander, with the 'I-pod in his ears listened to the same songs for the tenth time. They were almost there in Vicenza, the city where the university was located, when all of a sudden he saw at the opposite end of the coach a girl. Intrigued by Alessandro see her on that train did not understand where it popped up that girl, since he had seen no rise in any of the previous stations. It seemed straight out of an advertisement, the dead straight blonde hair cascaded around her face and in the neon light that illuminated the train seemed as white as the light of the moon. Dressed impeccably in a blue ice next to him had a brown leather bag that she kept an eye for a moment.